Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Very scary bill taking your freedom to raise food

I just came across this information at this blog. Very scary.

Again, I'm a little late to catch the News. But I'm going to give my rant
about this too.Establishment of a Food Safety Administration. HR875....Now
we are going to have Food Police!!!This is a very long bill, I've read it, and
it does pretty much everything that Alex Jones suggests it does. Check this link
for a summary
The way that
this bill is worded, how broad it is, and all the powers it gives to the new
bureaucracy, could very easily criminalize every farmer and home gardener in
this country! It could basically require you to comply with the regulations, to
catalog, track and keep records on all livestock and food that you produce or
grow.This Bill Must NOT get passed! It could very well be the single most
destructive bill to our freedom that our government has ever introduced! This by
far dwarfs the Keto ruling and any gun law that has been or is in the works.
This affects our right to Eat!!!
Big Brother, You have thrown down the
gauntlet on this one and I accept your Challenge!

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